Holiday Help Adopt-A-Family Sponsor Application

If possible, please complete by December 19. 

We are very grateful for your support and partnership!  Please let us know the following information to assist us in our efforts to plan and prepare for our Holiday Help events:

Sponsor Contact Information


Thank you so much for your holiday partnership to benefit children in need! 

Gift cards can be mailed to Good in the ‘Hood 7733 West River Rd Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 (our office is located at Waycross Evangelical Church).  Please contact us with any questions at 612-217-4003 or

You will also receive a confirmation email with additional details.

Good in the ‘Hood
7733 West River Rd. Mpls, MN 55444



By completing this application you are agreeing to receive email updates and news from Good in the 'Hood. You can opt-out at anytime.

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